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Dear Members and Friends,
I would like to thank you for the support shown at our AGM held on the 8th of March, thank you to those who attended and assisted us insuccessfully electing a new board. I would like to congratulate the newboard members namely *(As in the picture below)*:2014 board membersKudzai Seremwe, ChipoRusere, The Honourable German Ambassador to Zimbabwe Mr Ulrich Klöckner, Georgina Maxim, Jurgen Lischka, Hope Masike, Dominic Benhura and Nina Lutter, we welcome you to the ZGS Team. To our out-going board members, I would like to thank you for your work at ZGS over the past two years. Your efforts and ideas will be carried forward, we greatly appreciate your contributions and look forward to working with you in future.

Sincerely Roberta Wagner